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Visitor Welcome


We welcome lifelong followers of Jesus, occasional attenders, curious on-lookers, and people with doubts. We celebrate the worth, dignity, and gifts of each person as a child of God. Our invitation is open to all people because we believe everyone is created in God’s image, and that includes you.


If you would like to learn more about our ministries and programs, explore our website or get in touch with our church office at 631-941-4271. Additionally, during your visit, you can indicate your interest on the Friendship Roster, which is passed during worship, or speak with our one of our pastors or deacons.


We offer Exploring Membership sessions throughout the year for anyone interested in becoming a member of our congregation.

All Are Welcome

We recognize and grieve the hurt that has been done to many LGBTQ people by the larger church. SPC is a More Light Presbyterian Church and part of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians working toward a church as generous and just as God’s grace.

Worship Information

Sunday Mornings

Our regular worship time is at 9:30AM on Sunday mornings, with communion celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and during special services throughout the year. The worship service follows a traditional format, with hymns, scripture readings, a sermon, and prayers shaping us for a life of service to God. Hearing devices and large print bulletins are always available. Adult, children’s, and bell choirs share the gift of music during our worship. The communion table is open to all, including children.

Children During Worship

All ages are woven into our worship life. On the first Sunday of every month, children begin Sunday mornings in their church school classes at 9:30AM and then join their families in worship for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. On all other Sundays, the children begin the morning in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes of worship; after a special children’s message, they join their church school classes. Childcare is provided during worship for toddlers and preschool age children. Young people also serve as acolytes, liturgists, and musicians during worship.

Church Government Overview

The Session

The church board, called the Session, is comprised of the pastor and 16 elders. Elders are church members elected by the congregation and ordained for service. The Session oversees the ministry and the programs of the church. It receives new members, provides for worship and sacraments and oversees pastoral care and education programs. It also establishes and monitors the church’s budget and leads the congregation to discover what God wants the church to be doing.

The Board of Deacons

Deacons are church members elected by the congregation and ordained for service. They provide outreach to the needy in our community and in-reach ministry of care and compassion to the congregation. They serve as ushers for worship and memorial services. They coordinate meals, rides, shopping and babysitting for those in need via Operation Care and Operation Ride. They visit shut-ins and administer benevolent funds.

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