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Sunday Worship

Sunday morning worship takes place in the sanctuary and is also live streamed virtually here!


Our regular worship time is at 9:30AM on Sunday mornings, with communion celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and during special services throughout the year. The worship service follows a traditional format, with hymns, scripture readings, a sermon, and prayers shaping us for a life of service to God. Hearing devices and large print bulletins are always available. Adult, children’s, and bell choirs share the gift of music during our worship. The communion table is open to all, including children.


Following our worship is a time of fellowship and refreshments in our Fellowship Hall. And on most Sundays, an adult education program at 11:00AM invites further conversation and spiritual nurture.


We always welcome visitors, and there is no dress code! You’ll find a greeter at the door who can show you the way to the sanctuary, help you connect with our church school classes, or answer any questions you might have.


All ages are woven into our worship life. On the first Sunday of every month, children begin Sunday mornings in their church school classes at 9:30AM and then join their families in worship for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. On all other Sundays, the children begin the morning in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes of worship; after a special children’s message, they join their church school classes. Childcare is provided during worship for toddlers and preschool age children. Young people also serve as acolytes, liturgists, and musicians during worship. 

Virtual Worship

While our 9:30AM Sunday service is live streamed and available to watch on our YouTube channel, we also wanted to design a service specifically crafted for online worship. As such, we produced Soma Online, Worship in Bytes! You can watch these services on our YouTube channel.

SPC Unplugged

We invite you to our NEW once-monthly worship opportunity beginning January 14th,2024 at 11am. The new service is called SPC Unplugged and will feature a blend of acoustic contemporary and traditional music. It will take place every month on the second Sunday at 11am.

Thinking about visiting?

All are welcome at Setauket Presbyterian Church! Feel free to learn more about our community before joining us for worship.

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