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   Youth                                                          Children

Children have choices for Sunday worship and are always welcome to stay for any and all parts of worship. Childcare is provided every Sunday in our toddler room for children who are not yet ready for church school and who are more comfortable in a playful setting during worship. 


Children (in preschool-6th grade) also have the option of staying in Worship until after the children's message (about 9:45am) and then will be led to church school where classes are held and can be picked up by parents and guardians there after worship.


Church School & Child Care Registration Forms can be filled out here and will be received by the Interim Director Christian Education, Michael Coyle. You can also print out the form and email it to We welcome visitors and if they decide to join in after a couple of visits we ask that they also fill out a registration form.


Mission Trips

In the past, trips have included visiting our sister church in Cuba; service work in Washington, D.C., and Eastern Kentucky; and Presbyterian Youth Triennium. We look forward to providing Youth Opportunities to be in service to others in the form of Mission Trips.

Children's Choir

The Children’s Choir is open to all children who love music. The Children's Choir rehearses Sundays mornings in the choir room and sings periodically at church services and other special events from September to June. The children who participate learn the value and feel the joy of traditional and contemporary church music. The choir is lead by Lauren Ishida.


Membership: 4 years to 12 years
Rehearsals: Sundays at 8:30 AM

Confirmation Classes
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  • Exploring: what is church? What do Presbyterians believe? How are we the same and different from other religions? What about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to say we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior? What does that profession of faith mean for my life and how I choose to live?

  • Pondering our doubts.

  • Confirmation as a signpost of commitment on the journey of faith, not a graduation or ending.




  • Class attendance

  • Worship attendance with a family member- 10 worship conversation sheets due by May 6th

  • 2 retreats- Friday/Saturday at Holmes in March, SPC retreat in April

  • Meeting with mentors

  • Attend both stewardship brunch and congregational meeting

  • Attend other Confirmation events, such as visits to other faith communities, Mission projects, or family faith nights

  • Statement of Faith {drafts will be written as part of the April retreat, reviewed with Confirmation Leaders, revised and presented to Session in May


Please save Confirmation Program dates on yours and your youths’ calendars as soon as they are available. Please don’t hesitate to let Michael know of any schedule conflicts, particularly as they relate to the key gatherings (both retreats and Session meeting in May).

Registration Form Links
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